come with the territory — If something comes with the territory, it is part of a job or responsibility and just has to be accepted, even if unpleasant … The small dictionary of idiomes
come with the territory — phrasal : to be a natural or unavoidable aspect or accompaniment of a particular situation, position, or field criticism goes with the territory in this job * * * come/go/with the territory phrase to be a necessary or accepted part of a situation … Useful english dictionary
come with the territory — come/go with the territory if you say that something comes with the territory, you mean that you have to accept it as a necessary part or result of a particular situation. If you re a goalkeeper, you ve got to expect injuries it comes with the… … New idioms dictionary
come with the territory — If something comes with the territory, it is part of a job or responsibility and just has to be accepted, even if unpleasant. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** To say that something comes with the territory means that it has to be… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
come with the territory — phrasal see go with the territory … New Collegiate Dictionary
come with the territory — included as a regular part of a job or activity. Steven knew when he became a doctor that telephone calls at any hour came with the territory and to be prepared for them … New idioms dictionary
come/go with the territory — to be a natural part of a particular situation, position, or area of work Of course players get injured sometimes. It comes with the territory. • • • Main Entry: ↑territory … Useful english dictionary
go with the territory — noun see territory II * * * come/go/with the territory phrase to be a necessary or accepted part of a situation or activity In professional football, serious injuries come with the territory. Thesaurus: to be a feature or example of… … Useful english dictionary
go with the territory — or come with the territory phrasal to be a natural or unavoidable aspect or accompaniment of a particular situation, position, or field < criticism goes with the territory in this job > … New Collegiate Dictionary
go with the territory — come/go with the territory if you say that something comes with the territory, you mean that you have to accept it as a necessary part or result of a particular situation. If you re a goalkeeper, you ve got to expect injuries it comes with the… … New idioms dictionary
territory */*/ — UK [ˈterət(ə)rɪ] / US [ˈterəˌtɔrɪ] noun Word forms territory : singular territory plural territories 1) a) [countable/uncountable] an area of land controlled by a particular country, leader, or army The French army invaded the Austrian… … English dictionary