- come to a close
- come to a close & come to an end & come to a climaxto end; to progress to an ending. •
The celebration came to an end about midnight.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
The celebration came to an end about midnight.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
come to a close — index cease, expire, finish Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
close — closable, closeable /kloh zeuh beuhl/, adj. closely /klohs lee/, adv. closeness /klohs nis/, n. v. /klohz/; adj., adv. /klohs/ or, for 56, /klohz/; n. /klohz/ for 66, 67, 70 72, 74, 75, /klohs/ for 68, 69, 73, v., closed … Universalium
close — close1 [ klouz ] verb *** ▸ 1 shut ▸ 2 when business stops ▸ 3 stop use of road etc. ▸ 4 end/finish ▸ 5 reduce distance ▸ 6 stop business relations ▸ 7 finish business deal ▸ 8 put fingers around something ▸ 9 have value at end of day ▸ 10 join… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
close — I UK [kləʊz] / US [kloʊz] verb Word forms close : present tense I/you/we/they close he/she/it closes present participle closing past tense closed past participle closed *** 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] if you close something, or if it closes,… … English dictionary
close-knit — adjective (of a group) Closely linked or connected, as by a common identity, culture, or bond. I come from a close knit family; we never keep secrets from one another … Wiktionary
close — 1 vb closed, clos·ing vt 1: to bring to an end or to a state of completion closed the case close an estate by liquidating its assets closing his account 2: to con … Law dictionary
close — close1 [klōs] adj. closer, closest [ME clos < OFr < L clausus, pp. of claudere (see CLOSE2); senses under II from notion “with spaces or intervals closed up”] I denoting the fact or state of being closed or confined 1. shut; not open 2.… … English World dictionary
Close Encounters Tour — Tour by Robbie Williams Associated album Intensive Care Rudebox Start date 10 April 2006 End date 18 December 2006 … Wikipedia
Come Close (album) — Come Close Live album by Saosin Released March 11, 2008 … Wikipedia
close — vb 1 Close, shut are very close synonyms in the sense of to stop or fill in an opening by means of a closure (as a door, a gate, a lid, or a cover) and are often used interchangeably. However, they may have distinctive nuances of meaning and… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Close to You (Frank Sinatra album) — Close to You Studio album by Frank Sinatra Released 1957 … Wikipedia