come to the boil — 1. To reach boiling point 2. To reach a critical state • • • Main Entry: ↑boil … Useful english dictionary
come to the boil — 1) if a liquid comes to the boil, it starts to boil She waited for the water to come to the boil. 2) if a situation or feeling comes to the boil, it starts to become more serious or dangerous Political tensions are once again coming to the boil … English dictionary
boil — boil1 [boil] vi. [ME boilen < OFr boillir < L bullire < bulla, a bubble, knob; prob. < IE * bu , var. of echoic base * beu , * bheu , to blow up, cause to swell] 1. to bubble up and vaporize over direct heat 2. to reach the vaporizing … English World dictionary
boil — I n. state of boiling 1) to bring to a boil (bring the milk to a boil) 2) to come to a boil (the water must first come to a boil) II v. 1) to boil gently; hard 2) (C) he boiled an egg for her; or: he boiled her an egg 3) (D; intr.) to boil with… … Combinatory dictionary
boil — boil1 [ bɔıl ] verb * 1. ) intransitive or transitive if a liquid boils, or if you boil it, it becomes so hot that there are BUBBLES in it and it starts to become a gas: When the water boils, add the rice. Boil some milk in a pan. put something… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
boil — boil1 S3 [bɔıl] v [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: boillir, from Latin bullire, from bulla bubble ] 1.) [I and T] when a liquid boils, or when you boil it, it becomes hot enough to turn into gas boil at ▪ The solution boiled at 57.4°C. ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
boil — I UK [bɔɪl] / US verb Word forms boil : present tense I/you/we/they boil he/she/it boils present participle boiling past tense boiled past participle boiled * 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] if a liquid boils, or if you boil it, it becomes so hot … English dictionary
boil*/ — [bɔɪl] verb I 1) [I/T] if a liquid boils, or if you boil it, it becomes so hot that BUBBLES rise to the surface When the water boils, add the rice.[/ex] 2) [I/T] to cook something in boiling water, or to be cooked in this way How long does it… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
boil down to — COME DOWN TO, amount to, add up to, be in essence. → boil * * * boil down to (figurative) To mean, to signify when reduced to essentials • • • Main Entry: ↑boil * * * ˌboil ˈdown to [transitive] never progressive [ … Useful english dictionary
Boil — Boil, n. [Influenced by boil, v. See {Beal}, {Bile}.] A hard, painful, inflamed tumor, which, on suppuration, discharges pus, mixed with blood, and discloses a small fibrous mass of dead tissue, called the core. [1913 Webster] {A blind boil}, one … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Come — Come, v. i. [imp. {Came}; p. p. {Come}; p. pr & vb. n. {Coming}.] [OE. cumen, comen, AS. cuman; akin to OS.kuman, D. komen, OHG. queman, G. kommen, Icel. koma, Sw. komma, Dan. komme, Goth. giman, L. venire (gvenire), Gr. ? to go, Skr. gam.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English