come around (to some place)
- come around (to some place)
come around (to some place)
1. to come to some place for a visit. •
You must come around to our place for a while.
Do come around and have dinner with us sometime.
2. and
come around (to visit) and
come around (for a visit) to pay a casual visit to someone. •
Why don't you come around to visit next week?
Why don't you come around for a visit? You are welcome any time.
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Come Around Sundown World Tour — Promotional ad for tour Tour by Kings of Leon Associated album Come Around Sundown … Wikipedia
come around to … — ˌcome aˈround/ˈround (to…) derived to come to a place, especially sb s house, to visit for a short time • Do come around and see us some time. Main entry: ↑comederived … Useful english dictionary
come round to … — ˌcome aˈround/ˈround (to…) derived to come to a place, especially sb s house, to visit for a short time • Do come around and see us some time. Main entry: ↑comederived … Useful english dictionary
come — come1 W1S1 [kʌm] v past tense came [keım] past participle come ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(move towards somebody/something)¦ 2¦(go with somebody)¦ 3¦(travel to a place)¦ 4¦(post)¦ 5¦(happen)¦ 6¦(reach a level/place)¦ 7¦(be produce … Dictionary of contemporary English
come — 1 /kVm/ verb past tense came past participle come MOVE 1 (I) a word meaning to move towards someone, or to visit or arrive at a place, used when the person speaking or the person listening is in that place: Come a little closer. | Sarah s coming… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
come — come1 [ kʌm ] (past tense came [ keım ] ; past participle come) verb *** ▸ 1 move/travel (to here) ▸ 2 reach particular state ▸ 3 start doing something ▸ 4 reach particular point ▸ 5 be received ▸ 6 happen ▸ 7 exist or be produced ▸ 8 be… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
come — [[t]kʌ̱m[/t]] ♦ comes, coming, came (The form come is used in the present tense and is the past participle.) 1) VERB When a person or thing comes to a particular place, especially to a place where you are, they move there. [V prep/adv] Two police … English dictionary
around — [[t]əra͟ʊnd[/t]] ♦ (Around is an adverb and a preposition. In British English, the word round is often used instead. Around is often used with verbs of movement, such as walk and drive , and also in phrasal verbs such as get around and hand… … English dictionary
around — I. adverb Etymology: Middle English, from 1a + 2round Date: 14th century 1. a. in a circle or in circumference < the wheel goes around > < a tree five feet around > b. in, along, or through a circuit < the roa … New Collegiate Dictionary
come — verb (past came; past participle come) 1》 move or travel towards or into a place near or familiar to the speaker. ↘arrive. ↘join in a specified activity: do you want to come fishing? 2》 occur; happen. 3》 occupy or achieve a specified… … English new terms dictionary
come — v 1. approach, near, draw near, close, close in, bear down upon; advance, make for, move toward, press upon. 2. arrive, enter, check in, clock in, punch in, ring in, sign in, pull in, roll in, Inf. hit town, Sl. blow in; appear, turn up, show up … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder