shut something down — ˌshut sthˈdown derived to stop a factory, shop/store, etc. from opening for business; to stop a machine from working • The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. related noun ↑shutdown Main entry: ↑shutderived … Useful english dictionary
shut down or shut something down — cease or cause something to cease business or operation. → shut … English new terms dictionary
shut down — verb cease to operate or cause to cease operating (Freq. 2) The owners decided to move and to close the factory My business closes every night at 8 P.M. close up the shop • Syn: ↑close up, ↑close, ↑fold, ↑c … Useful english dictionary
shut — verb (shuts, shutting; past and past participle shut) 1》 move or cause to move into position to block an opening. ↘block an opening into (something) by moving a lid or similar participle ↘(usu. shut someone/thing in/out) confine or… … English new terms dictionary
pin someone/something down — 1 our troops can pin down the enemy: CONFINE, TRAP, hem in, corner, close in, shut in, hedge in, pen in, restrain, entangle, enmesh … Useful english dictionary
pin someone/something down — Syn: confine, trap, hem in, corner, close in, shut in, pen in … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
shut — 1 /SVt/ verb past tense and past participle past tense and past participle shut present participle shutting 1 (I, T) to close something, or to become closed: The door shut with a bang. | She lay down on her bed and shut her eyes. | Laruelle put… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
shut — shut1 [ ʃʌt ] (past tense and past participle shut) verb *** 1. ) transitive to close something, for example a door, window, or drawer: Please shut the door behind you. Shut the gate or the dog will get out. Don t worry about the curtains, I ll… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
shut up — I verb 1. refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent (Freq. 6) The children shut up when their father approached • Syn: ↑close up, ↑clam up, ↑dummy up, ↑belt up, ↑button up … Useful english dictionary
shut in — verb surround completely Darkness enclosed him They closed in the porch with a fence • Syn: ↑enclose, ↑close in, ↑inclose • Derivationally related forms: ↑enclosure ( … Useful english dictionary
shut — [[t]ʃʌ̱t[/t]] ♦♦♦ shuts, shutting (The form shut is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle.) 1) V ERG If you shut something such as a door or if it shuts, it moves so that it fills a hole or a space. [V n] Just make… … English dictionary