cards are stacked against one
- cards are stacked against one
the cards are stacked against one
[informal] luck is against one. (See also
stack the deck (against someone or something
).) •
I have the worst luck. The cards are stacked against me all the time.
How can I accomplish anything when the cards are stacked against me?
Dictionary of American idioms.
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stack\ the\ cards\ against\ one — v. phr. 1. To arrange cards secretly and dishonestly for the purpose of cheating. The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill. 2. To arrange things unfairly for or against a person; have things so that a person has an unfair advantage or… … Словарь американских идиом
stack the cards — {v. phr.} 1. To arrange cards secretly and dishonestly for the purpose of cheating. * /The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill./ 2. To arrange things unfairly for or against a person; have things so that a person has an unfair advantage or … Dictionary of American idioms
stack the cards — {v. phr.} 1. To arrange cards secretly and dishonestly for the purpose of cheating. * /The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill./ 2. To arrange things unfairly for or against a person; have things so that a person has an unfair advantage or … Dictionary of American idioms
stack\ the\ cards — v. phr. 1. To arrange cards secretly and dishonestly for the purpose of cheating. The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill. 2. To arrange things unfairly for or against a person; have things so that a person has an unfair advantage or… … Словарь американских идиом
card — card1 [ kard ] noun *** ▸ 1 for paying/getting money ▸ 2 with information ▸ 3 for sending greetings ▸ 4 for playing games ▸ 5 something giving an advantage ▸ 6 in a computer ▸ 7 someone who makes you laugh ▸ 8 thick stiff paper ▸ + PHRASES 1. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
card — I UK [kɑː(r)d] / US [kɑrd] noun Word forms card : singular card plural cards *** 1) [uncountable] British thick stiff paper, thinner than cardboard 2) a) [countable] a piece of thick stiff paper folded into two equal parts, with a picture and a… … English dictionary
stack — stack1 [stæk] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old Norse; Origin: stakkr] 1.) a neat pile of things →↑heap stack of ▪ a stack of papers ▪ stacks of dirty dishes 2.) a stack of sth/stacks of sth … Dictionary of contemporary English
stack — stack1 [ stæk ] noun * 1. ) count a pile of things placed one on top of another: stack of: a stack of unopened mail There were stacks of books on the floor. a ) a pile of things standing or lying together: a stack of firewood b ) a pile of HAY… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Shuffling — Shuffle redirects here. For other uses, see Shuffle (disambiguation). Shuffling is a procedure used to randomize a deck of playing cards to provide an element of chance in card games. Shuffling is often followed by a cut, to help ensure that the… … Wikipedia
stack — 1 noun (C) 1 a neat pile of things one on top of the other (+ of): a stack of papers | stacks of dishes waiting to be washed 2 a large pile of grain, grass etc that is stored outside see also: haystack 3 a stack of/stacks of informal especially… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stack */ — I UK [stæk] / US noun Word forms stack : singular stack plural stacks 1) [countable] a pile of things placed one on top of another stack of: a stack of unopened mail There were stacks of books on the floor. a) a pile of things standing or lying… … English dictionary