- button (up) one's lip
- button (up) one's lipFig. to stop talking. (Fixed order.) •
Please button up your lip!
•Will you button your lip? I don't want the news to get out.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Please button up your lip!
•Will you button your lip? I don't want the news to get out.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
button\ one's\ lip — • button one s lip • zip one s lip v. phr. slang To stop talking; keep a secret; shut your mouth; be quiet. The man was getting loud and insulting and the cop told him to button his lip. John wanted to talk, but Dan told him to keep his lip… … Словарь американских идиом
button one's lip — ► button one s lip informal stop or refrain from talking. Main Entry: ↑button … English terms dictionary
button one's lip — also[zip one s lip] {v. phr.}, {slang} To stop talking; keep a secret; shut your mouth; be quiet. * /The man was getting loud and insulting and the cop told him to button his lip./ * /John wanted to talk, but Dan told him to keep his lip buttoned … Dictionary of American idioms
button one's lip — also[zip one s lip] {v. phr.}, {slang} To stop talking; keep a secret; shut your mouth; be quiet. * /The man was getting loud and insulting and the cop told him to button his lip./ * /John wanted to talk, but Dan told him to keep his lip buttoned … Dictionary of American idioms
zip\ one's\ lip — • button one s lip • zip one s lip v. phr. slang To stop talking; keep a secret; shut your mouth; be quiet. The man was getting loud and insulting and the cop told him to button his lip. John wanted to talk, but Dan told him to keep his lip… … Словарь американских идиом
button one's lip — verb To remain silent, especially in order to keep a secret or to avoid saying something inappropriate. Yes, put in Solomon. Ive been tipped off to this guy Mars, and youd better tell him to button up his lip and not start anything. Syn: bite… … Wiktionary
button one's lip — informal stop or refrain from talking. → button … English new terms dictionary
zip one's lip — See: BUTTON ONE S LIP … Dictionary of American idioms
zip one's lip — See: BUTTON ONE S LIP … Dictionary of American idioms
zip one's lip — verb To refrain from or to stop talking; to be quiet. Why don’t you just zip your lip? I’m tired of listening to you. Syn: button it, button one’s lip, can it, put a sock in it, shut it, shut one’s face, shut one’s gob, shut one’s mouth, shut… … Wiktionary
button — [but′ n] n. [ME botoun < OFr boton, a button, bud < buter: see BUTT2] 1. any small disk, knob, etc. used as a fastening or ornament, as one put through a buttonhole on a garment 2. anything small and shaped like a button; specif., a) a… … English World dictionary