break one's balls to do something
- break one's balls to do something
bust (one's) ass (to do something) & break one's balls to do something & bust one's butt to do something & bustone's nuts to do something
Sl. to work very hard to do something. (
The expressions with balls
and nuts
are said typically,
but not necessarily,
of a male.
Potentially offensive.
Use only with discretion.) •
I've been busting my nuts to get this thing done on time, and now they don't want it!
The new boss expects you to bust your nuts every minute you are at work at the warehouse.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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break one’s balls to do something — Go o bust (one’s) ass (to do something) … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
break one's balls — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} To do something with maximum effort; to do something very difficult or taxing * /I ve been breaking my balls to buy you this new color TV set and you aren t the least bit appreciative!/ Compare: BREAK ONE … Dictionary of American idioms
break one's balls — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} To do something with maximum effort; to do something very difficult or taxing * /I ve been breaking my balls to buy you this new color TV set and you aren t the least bit appreciative!/ Compare: BREAK ONE … Dictionary of American idioms
break\ one's\ balls — v. phr. slang vulgar avoidable To do something with maximum effort; to do something very difficult or taxing I ve been breaking my balls to buy you this new color TV set and you aren t the least bit appreciative! Compare: break one s neck … Словарь американских идиом
bust one’s ass to do something — AND break one’s balls (to do something); bust one’s butt (to do something); bust one’s nuts (to do something) tv. o work very hard to do something; to work very hard at something. (Usually objectionable.) □ You get down there and bust your ass to … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
break — breakable, adj. breakableness, n. breakably, adv. breakless, adj. /brayk/, v., broke or (Archaic) brake; broken or (Archaic) broke; breaking; n. v.t … Universalium
break — 1. v. & n. v. (past broke or archaic brake; past part. broken or archaic broke) 1 tr. & intr. a separate into pieces under a blow or strain; shatter. b make or become inoperative, esp. from damage (the toaster has broken). c break a bone in or… … Useful english dictionary
balls — /bɔlz / (say bawlz) Colloquial –noun 1. courage; boldness; forcefulness: you have to have balls to win through. 2. rubbish; nonsense: what a lot of balls. –interjection 3. (an exclamation of repudiation, ridicule, etc.) –phrase 4. balls something …
Balls to the Wall — Album par Accept Sortie 1983 Enregistrement Juillet août 1983 Durée 45:13 Genre Heavy metal, speed metal Producteur … Wikipédia en Français
break — [brāk] vt. broke, broken, breaking [ME breken < OE brecan < IE base * bhreg > BREACH, BREECH, Ger brechen, L frangere] 1. to cause to come apart by force; split or crack sharply into pieces; smash; burst 2. a) … English World dictionary
break — [[t]breɪk[/t]] v. broke, bro•ken, break•ing, n. 1) to smash, split, or divide into parts violently 2) to disable or destroy by or as if by shattering or crushing: I broke my watch[/ex] 3) to violate or disregard (a law, promise, etc.) 4) to… … From formal English to slang