Beam me up, Scotty — Beam me up, Scotty! is a catch phrase that made its way into pop culture from the science fiction television series . It comes from the command Captain Kirk gives his transporter chief, Montgomery Scotty Scott, when he needs to transport back to… … Wikipedia
Beam Me Up Scotty — Beam me up, Scotty kann stehen für: Beam me up, Scotty!, ein geflügeltes Wort aus der Science Fiction Serie Raumschiff Enterprise (engl. Star Trek) Beam Me Up Scotty (Mixtape), ein Mixtape der Rapperin Nicki Minaj Beam me up, Scotty, die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
beam me up, scotty — Something someone says when they want to get out of a place or situation, meaning Get me out of here! . (It comes from the TV series and movies Star Trek, though the exact words used were a little different.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
Beam me up, Scotty! — sent. Get me out of here!; Take me away from this mess! (From the television program Star Trek.) □ This place is really crazy! Beam me up, Scotty! □ I’ve heard enough! Beam me up, Scotty! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Beam Me Up Scotty (Mixtape) — Beam Me Up Scotty Remixalbum von Nicki Minaj Veröffentlichung 18. April 2009 Label Trapaholics … Deutsch Wikipedia
beam me up, Scotty! — exclamation a request for crack or another stimulating drug. The catchphrase, from the 1970s TV series Star Trek, has been used since 2000 in rap lyrics … Contemporary slang
Scotty — can be:*A common nickname for a Scottish man *Montgomery Scott, the Star Trek character **See Beam me up, Scotty *Scotty (musician), a reggae singer *One of Elvis Presley s backing musicians * Scottish Terrier, a breed of dog more commonly known… … Wikipedia
Scotty Scott — There are at least two individuals commonly known as Scotty Scott:*Montgomery Scott, a Star Trek character, most recognizable for his role in the phrase Beam me up, Scotty *Harold Scotty Scott, a member of the American soul trio, The Temprees … Wikipedia
Scotty — Scot|ty also Mr Scott a character in the ↑Star Trek films and television programmes, known especially for the phrase said to him by the other characters Beam me up, Scotty … Dictionary of contemporary English
Scotty — /ˈskɒti/ (say skotee) noun Colloquial crack cocaine. {from the catchphrase Beam me up Scotty, from the US television series Star Trek (1966–69) …
beam — 1. noun /biːm/ a) Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use. b) One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building; one of the transverse members of a ships frame on which the decks are laid… … Wiktionary