ball and chain

ball and chain
ball and chain
1. a wife. (Mostly jocular.) •

I've got to get home to my ball and chain.

My ball and chain is mad at me.

2. a person's special burden; a job. (Prisoners sometimes were fettered with a chain attached to a leg on one end and to a heavy metal ball on the other.) •

Tom wanted to quit his job. He said he was tired of that old ball and chain.

Mr. Franklin always referred to his wife as his ball and chain.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • ball and chain — n [singular] 1.) something that limits your freedom and stops you from doing what you want to do ▪ The lower tech side of the business was seen as a ball and chain. 2.) a heavy metal ball on a chain, tied to a prisoner s legs, to stop the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ball and chain — ball′ and chain′ n. 1) a heavy iron ball fastened by a chain to a prisoner s leg 2) off sts sl.: disp. and off. a wife • usage: Definition 2 is used with disparaging intent and is perceived as insulting. It implies that the woman is domineering …   From formal English to slang

  • ball and chain — ☆ ball and chain n. a metal ball fastened by a chain to a prisoner s body to prevent escape …   English World dictionary

  • ball and chain — a type of prisoner s restraint, 1818; as one s wife, 1920 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ball and chain — A ball and chain is a physical restraint device historically used on prisoners.Ball and chain may also refer to: * a physical restraint consisting of a large, heavy metal ball with a chain attached to a prisoner s leg by a manacle. * a… …   Wikipedia

  • ball and chain — 1. a heavy iron ball fastened by a chain to a prisoner s leg. 2. burdensome restraint: The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to his progress. 3. Slang (disparaging and offensive). a man s wife (often used facetiously). [1825 …   Universalium

  • ball and chain — n. a wife; a girlfriend. (Mostly jocular.) □ I’ve got to get home to my ball and chain. □ My ball and chain is mad at me …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • ball and chain — noun a) A heavy iron ball attached to a prisoners leg by a chain as a means of restraint. Take away this ball and chain. b) Ones wife, as a symbol of restraint …   Wiktionary

  • ball and chain — noun 1. a heavy iron ball fastened by a chain to a prisoner s leg. 2. any restraint. –phrase 3. the old ball and chain, Colloquial one s wife …  

  • ball and chain —    This term refers to a burden or problem that ties you down and prevents you from doing what you want. It can also refer to one s spouse.    Our holiday home has become a ball and chain it s too much work! …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • ball-and-chain — n Marriage. I m too young to put on the ball and chain. 1980s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

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