announce something to someone
- announce something to someone
announce something to someone
to tell something publicly to someone. •
The president announced his nominee for attorney general to the media.
When was the news announced to the public?
Dictionary of American idioms.
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announce */*/*/ — UK [əˈnaʊns] / US verb [transitive] Word forms announce : present tense I/you/we/they announce he/she/it announces present participle announcing past tense announced past participle announced 1) to make a public or official statement, especially… … English dictionary
announce — an|nounce W1S2 [əˈnauns] v [T] [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: annoncer, from Latin annuntiare, from ad to + nuntiare to report ] 1.) to officially tell people about something, especially about a plan or a decision ▪ They announced their… … Dictionary of contemporary English
announce — an|nounce [ ə nauns ] verb transitive *** 1. ) to make a public or official statement, especially about a plan, decision, or something that has happened: There was a press release announcing the Senator s resignation. Exxon has announced a 26%… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hand down (something) — 1. to give something to a younger member of a family. Fewer and fewer small farms are handed down from one generation to the next. My grandfather handed his toy trains down to my father. Usage notes: sometimes said about people who are not… … New idioms dictionary
pronounce someone dead — phrase to state as an official medical fact that someone is dead He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. Thesaurus: to announce something officially or formallysynonym Main entry: pronounce … Useful english dictionary
paint someone into a corner — paint (someone/yourself) into a corner to do something that takes away all of your choices. They ve painted themselves into a corner by promising to announce the results of their investigation. The army painted the rebels into a corner, and the… … New idioms dictionary
tköiuwanëhtáni — to announce something to someone; to make an announcement about something to someone … Mingo semantic fields
call — call1 [ kɔl ] verb *** ▸ 1 ask/tell someone to come ▸ 2 shout to someone ▸ 3 telephone someone ▸ 4 describe someone/something ▸ 5 use a name for someone/something ▸ 6 say/announce something loudly ▸ 7 organize something ▸ 8 of animals ▸ 9 say… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
call */*/*/ — I UK [kɔːl] / US [kɔl] verb Word forms call : present tense I/you/we/they call he/she/it calls present participle calling past tense called past participle called 1) a) [transitive] to use a particular name or title for someone call someone… … English dictionary
run — run1 [ rʌn ] (past tense ran [ ræn ] ; past participle run) verb *** ▸ 1 move quickly with legs ▸ 2 control/organize ▸ 3 machine: work ▸ 4 liquid: flow ▸ 5 try to be elected ▸ 6 vehicle: travel ▸ 7 be shown/performed ▸ 8 reach amount/rate ▸ 9… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
give — 1 verb past tense gavepast participle given PROVIDE/SUPPLY 1 (T) to provide or supply someone with something: give sb sth: Researchers were given a 10,000 grant to continue their work. | Can you give me a ride to the office on Tuesday? | He went… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English