wild pitch

wild pitch
{n.} A pitch in baseball that is so high, so low, or so far from the plate that the catcher cannot catch it and a base runner can move to the next base. * /The runner went to second base on a wild pitch./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • wild pitch — ☆ wild pitch n. Baseball a misplay in which the pitcher throws a pitch so wildly that the catcher cannot catch or control it and a base runner advances to another base as a result: cf. PASSED BALL …   English World dictionary

  • wild pitch — wild′ pitch′ n. spo a pitched baseball that the catcher misses and could not be expected to catch, resulting in a base runner s or runners advancing Compare passed ball • Etymology: 1865–70, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • Wild pitch — In baseball, a wild pitch (abbreviated WP) is charged against a pitcher when his pitch is too high, too short, or too wide of home plate for the catcher to control with ordinary effort, thereby allowing a baserunner, perhaps even the batter… …   Wikipedia

  • Wild Pitch — Ein Wild Pitch (WP) ist eine Aktion im Baseball oder Softball die in der Baseballstatistik aufgeführt und ausgewertet wird. Ein Wild Pitch wird dem Pitcher angelastet, wenn er einen Pitch so hoch, so tief oder so weit am Home Plate vorbei wirft,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • wild pitch — noun an errant pitch that the catcher cannot be expected to catch and that allows a base runner to advance a base (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑pitch, ↑delivery * * * noun : a baseball pitch that cannot be caught or controlled by the catcher with… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wild pitch — {n.} A pitch in baseball that is so high, so low, or so far from the plate that the catcher cannot catch it and a base runner can move to the next base. * /The runner went to second base on a wild pitch./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • wild pitch — noun A play where the pitcher throws a non catchable pitch and a runner advances. Jones uncorked a wild pitch, which went to the screen …   Wiktionary

  • wild\ pitch — noun A pitch in baseball that is so high, so low, or so far from the plate that the catcher cannot catch it and a base runner can move to the next base. The runner went to second base on a wild pitch …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Wild Pitch Records — was a hip hop record label started in the mid 1980s by Stuart Fine and was eventually distributed by EMI and eventually acquired by Jay Faires, who tried to reactivate it as part of his short lived JCOR Entertainment label. Artists who released… …   Wikipedia

  • wild pitch Baseball — noun a pitch which is not hit by the batter and cannot be stopped by the catcher, enabling a base runner to advance. verb (wild pitch) enable (a base runner) to advance by making such a pitch …   English new terms dictionary

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