when push comes to shove

when push comes to shove
{adv. phr.} A time when a touchy situation becomes actively hostile or a quarrel turns into a fight. * /Can we count on the boss' goodwill, when push comes to shove?/

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • when push comes to shove — When the time to act or make a decision comes • • • Main Entry: ↑push * * * if/when/ push comes to shove/it comes to the push/ phrase if or when you are forced to make a decision or do something difficult If push came to shov …   Useful english dictionary

  • when push comes to shove — ► when push comes to shove informal when one must commit oneself to action. Main Entry: ↑push …   English terms dictionary

  • when push comes to shove — when people fight, when the fighting begins, when the going gets tough    The workers are demanding a fair wage. When push comes to shove, we may have to call the police …   English idioms

  • when push comes to shove — when all the easy solutions to a problem have not worked, and something must be done. Only a few people will really come through for you when push comes to shove …   New idioms dictionary

  • when push comes to shove — AND if push comes to shove phr. when things get a little pressed; when the situation gets more active or intense. □ When push comes to shove, you know I’ll be on your side. □ If push comes to shove, the front office can help with some statistics …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • when push comes to shove — if/when push comes to shove if you say that something can be done if push comes to shove, you mean that it can be done if the situation becomes so bad that you have to do it. Look, if push comes to shove we ll just have to sell the car …   New idioms dictionary

  • when push comes to shove — {adv. phr.} A time when a touchy situation becomes actively hostile or a quarrel turns into a fight. * /Can we count on the boss goodwill, when push comes to shove?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • when\ push\ comes\ to\ shove — adv. phr. A time when a touchy situation becomes actively hostile or a quarrel turns into a fight. Can we count on the boss goodwill, when push comes to shove? …   Словарь американских идиом

  • when push comes to shove — informal when one must commit oneself to an action or decision. → push …   English new terms dictionary

  • push comes to shove — If or when push comes to shove, the situation has become some bad that you are forced to do something: If push comes to shove, we ll just have to use our savings …   The small dictionary of idiomes

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