- through a hoop
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
through a hoop — See: JUMP THROUGH A HOOP … Dictionary of American idioms
through\ a\ hoop — See: jump through a hoop … Словарь американских идиом
jump through a hoop — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do whatever you are told to do; obey any order. * /Bob would jump through a hoop for Mary./ Compare: TWIST AROUND ONE S LITTLE FINGER, UNDER ONE S THUMB … Dictionary of American idioms
jump through a hoop — {v. phr.}, {informal} To do whatever you are told to do; obey any order. * /Bob would jump through a hoop for Mary./ Compare: TWIST AROUND ONE S LITTLE FINGER, UNDER ONE S THUMB … Dictionary of American idioms
go through the hoop — To suffer an ordeal, undergo punishment • • • Main Entry: ↑hoop … Useful english dictionary
jump\ through\ a\ hoop — v. phr. informal To do whatever you are told to do; obey any order. Bob would jump through a hoop for Mary. Compare: twist one around one s little finger, under one s thumb … Словарь американских идиом
jump through a hoop — do whatever one is told to do, obey any order He is always ready to jump through a hoop for his boss so he is not very popular with the other employees … Idioms and examples
hoop — /hup / (say hoohp) noun 1. a circular band or ring of metal, wood, or other stiff material. 2. such a band to hold together the staves of a cask, barrel, etc. 3. a large ring of wood or plastic for children s games. 4. something resembling a hoop …
hoop — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a circular band of metal, wood, etc., esp. for binding the staves of casks etc. or for forming part of a framework. 2 a a ring bowled along by a child. b a large ring usu. with paper stretched over it for circus performers to jump … Useful english dictionary
hoop, go through the — 1. Experience a time of difficulty. 2. put one through the hoop Give one a hard time. Punish one. Question one very stringently. Reprimand … A concise dictionary of English slang