take one's time — {v. phr.} To avoid haste; act in an unhurried way. * /He liked to take his time over breakfast./ * /It is better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take one's time — ► take one s time not hurry. Main Entry: ↑take … English terms dictionary
take one's time — GO SLOWLY, dally, dawdle, delay, linger, drag one s feet, waste time, kill time; informal dilly dally; archaic tarry. → take * * * phrasal or take one s own time : to be leisurely about doing something * * * … Useful english dictionary
take one's time — idi take one s time, to act without hurry … From formal English to slang
take one's time — if the place were on fire, Mark would still take his time Syn: go slowly, dally, dawdle, delay, linger, drag one s feet, waste time, kill time; informal dilly dally, lollygag; archaic tarry … Thesaurus of popular words
take one's time — verb a) To go about something slowly and carefully. Take your time mdash; theres no need to rush. b) To take more time to do something than is considered acceptable. You took your time getting here! Syn: dawdle … Wiktionary
take\ one's\ time — v. phr. To avoid haste; act in an unhurried way. He liked to take his time over breakfast. It is better to take your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes … Словарь американских идиом
take one's time — not hurry. → take … English new terms dictionary
take one's time — do something without hurrying He took his time in returning the book he had borrowed … Idioms and examples
take one's time — phrasal to be leisurely about doing something … New Collegiate Dictionary