sleep like a log

sleep like a log
sleep like a log & sleep like a baby
to sleep very soundly. •

Everyone in our family sleeps like a log, so no one heard the thunderstorm in the middle of the night.

Nothing can wake me up. I usually sleep like a baby.

* * *
{v. phr.} To sleep very deeply and soundly. * /Although I am usually a light sleeper, I was so exhausted from the sixteen-hour transpacific flight that, once we got home, I slept like a log for twelve hours./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • sleep like a log — To sleep very soundly • • • Main Entry: ↑log * * * sleep like a log/baby/ phrase to sleep very well Thesaurus: to sleep, or to go to sleepsynonym sleep …   Useful english dictionary

  • sleep like a log — {v. phr.} To sleep very deeply and soundly. * /Although I am usually a light sleeper, I was so exhausted from the sixteen hour transpacific flight that, once we got home, I slept like a log for twelve hours./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sleep like a log — If you sleep like a log, you sleep very soundly …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • sleep like a log — sleep like a log/top to sleep very well. I don t know if it had anything to do with the wine we drank but I slept like a log …   New idioms dictionary

  • sleep like a log — sleep well, sleep soundly, dead to the world, deep sleep    After working in the fields and eating a big meal, I sleep like a log! …   English idioms

  • sleep like a log —    If you sleep like a log, you sleep very soundly.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    If you sleep like a log, you sleep deeply or soundly.     After a day at the beach, I usually sleep like a log …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • sleep like a log (or top) — sleep very soundly. → sleep …   English new terms dictionary

  • sleep\ like\ a\ log — v. phr. To sleep very deeply and soundly. Although I am usually a light sleeper, I was so exhausted from the sixteen hour transpacific flight that, once we got home, I slept like a log for twelve hours …   Словарь американских идиом

  • sleep like a log — to sleep very well. With a full stomach and a warm blanket, I slept like a log …   New idioms dictionary

  • sleep like a log — verb To sleep heavily, long and without disturbance. Syn: sleep like a baby …   Wiktionary

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