shudder to think

shudder to think
{v. phr.} To be afraid; hate to think about something. * /The professor is so strict I shudder to think what his final exam questions will be like./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • shudder to think — {v. phr.} To be afraid; hate to think about something. * /The professor is so strict I shudder to think what his final exam questions will be like./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • shudder\ to\ think — v. phr. To be afraid; hate to think about something. The professor is so strict I shudder to think what his final exam questions will be like …   Словарь американских идиом

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  • I shudder to think — phrase used for saying that you do not want to think about something because it is very unpleasant I shudder to think what my parents will say when they see the bill. Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing how bad something issynonym Main entry: shudder …   Useful english dictionary

  • I shudder to think — I dread/shudder to think something that you say when you do not want to think about something because it is too worrying or too unpleasant. He was going so fast I dread to think what would have happened if my brakes hadn t worked. (usually +… …   New idioms dictionary

  • I shudder to think — used for saying that you do not want to think about something because it is very unpleasant I shudder to think what my parents will say when they see the bill …   English dictionary

  • shudder — shud|der1 [ˈʃʌdə US ər] v [Date: 1100 1200; Origin: Probably from [i]Middle Low German schoderen or Middle Dutch shuderen] 1.) to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold, or because you think something is very unpleasant ▪ Maria… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • shudder — [[t]ʃʌ̱də(r)[/t]] shudders, shuddering, shuddered 1) VERB If you shudder, you shake with fear, horror, or disgust, or because you are cold. [V prep/adv] Lloyd had urged her to eat caviar. She had shuddered at the thought... [V prep/adv] Elaine… …   English dictionary

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