
{adj.} Used; not new; preowned. * /Sometimes a secondhand car is just as reliable as a brand new one./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • Secondhand — Sec ond*hand , a. 1. Not original or primary; received from another; as, secondhand information. [1913 Webster +PJC] They have but a secondhand or implicit knowledge. Locke. [1913 Webster] 2. Not new; already or previously possessed or used by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • secondhand — (adj.) also second hand, late 15c., from SECOND (Cf. second) (adj.) + HAND (Cf. hand) (n.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • secondhand — [adj] used handed down, handme down, not new, old, pre owned, previously owned, unnew; concepts 578,797 …   New thesaurus

  • secondhand — [sek′əndhand′] adj. 1. not direct from the original source; not original 2. used or worn previously by another; not new 3. of or dealing in merchandise that is not new adv. not firsthand; not directly …   English World dictionary

  • secondhand — I. adjective Date: 1654 1. a. received from or through an intermediary ; borrowed b. derivative < secondhand ideas > 2. a. acquired after being used by another ; not new < secondhand …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • secondhand — I adjective 1. derived from what is primary or original; not firsthand (Freq. 1) a secondhand report a secondhand account of a memory of something once read most of our knowledge is secondhand • Similar to: ↑secondary …   Useful english dictionary

  • secondhand — secondhandedness, n. /sek euhnd hand /, adj. 1. not directly known or experienced; obtained from others or from books: Most of our knowledge is secondhand. 2. previously used or owned: secondhand clothes. 3. dealing in previously used goods: a… …   Universalium

  • secondhand — sec•ond•hand [[t]ˈsɛk əndˈhænd[/t]] adj. 1) not directly known or experienced: secondhand knowledge[/ex] 2) previously used or owned: secondhand clothes[/ex] 3) dealing in previously used goods: a secondhand bookseller[/ex] 4) after another user… …   From formal English to slang

  • secondhand — 1. adjective 1) secondhand clothes Syn: used, old, worn, preowned, handed down, hand me down, castoff; informal preloved Ant: new 2) secondhand information Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • secondhand — /ˌsekənd hænd/ adjective, adverb which has been owned by someone before ● a secondhand car ● the market in secondhand computers or the secondhand computer market ● to buy something secondhand …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • secondhand — sec|ond|hand [ ,sekənd hænd ] adjective 1. ) owned or used by someone else before you: secondhand books/clothing 2. ) heard from someone who was not directly involved in a situation: We haven t seen Joyce since the accident. All our information… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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