save one's neck

save one's neck
or[save one's skin] {v. phr.}, {slang} To save from danger or trouble. * /The fighter planes saved our skins while the army was landing from the ships./ * /Betty saved Tim's neck by typing his report for him; without her help he could not have finished on time./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • save one's neck — To escape narrowly with one s life or reputation • • • Main Entry: ↑neck save (some)one s bacon, save one s face, save one s neck, save one s skin, save the mark see under ↑bacon, ↑face, ↑neck, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • save one's neck — • save one s neck • save one s skin save oneself from danger or trouble He left the scene of the fire as soon as possible in order to save his own neck …   Idioms and examples

  • save\ one's\ neck — • save one s neck • save one s skin v. phr. slang To save from danger or trouble. The fighter planes saved our skins while the army was landing from the ships. Betty saved Tim s neck by typing his report for him; without her help he could not… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • save one's neck — or[save one s skin] {v. phr.}, {slang} To save from danger or trouble. * /The fighter planes saved our skins while the army was landing from the ships./ * /Betty saved Tim s neck by typing his report for him; without her help he could not have… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • save one's neck — save oneself, look out for one s own interests …   English contemporary dictionary

  • save one's skin — save (some)one s bacon, save one s face, save one s neck, save one s skin, save the mark see under ↑bacon, ↑face, ↑neck, ↑skin and ↑mark1 • • • Main Entry: ↑save …   Useful english dictionary

  • save one's face — To avoid humiliation or appearance of climbing down • • • Main Entry: ↑face save (some)one s bacon, save one s face, save one s neck, save one s skin, save the mark see under ↑bacon, ↑face, ↑neck, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • save one's skin — • save one s neck • save one s skin save oneself from danger or trouble He left the scene of the fire as soon as possible in order to save his own neck …   Idioms and examples

  • save\ one's\ skin — • save one s neck • save one s skin v. phr. slang To save from danger or trouble. The fighter planes saved our skins while the army was landing from the ships. Betty saved Tim s neck by typing his report for him; without her help he could not… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • save one's bacon — phrasal : to preserve or rescue something of vital importance (as one s life, livelihood, or reputation) from loss or harm the pilots of my section saved my bacon many times when I have been attacked from behind Keith Ayling is forced to… …   Useful english dictionary

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