rave about

rave about
{v. phr.} To talk very enthusiastically about someone or something. * /Hank praised the new TV show very highly but we didn't think it was anything to rave about./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • rave about — {v. phr.} To talk very enthusiastically about someone or something. * /Hank praised the new TV show very highly but we didn t think it was anything to rave about./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rave\ about — v. phr. To talk very enthusiastically about someone or something. Hank praised the new TV show very highly but we didn t think it was anything to rave about …   Словарь американских идиом

  • rave — rave1 [reıv] v [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: raver [i] to wander, talk wildly ] 1.) rave about/over sth to talk about something you enjoy or admire in an excited way = ↑enthuse ▪ Now I understand why travelers rave about Lapland. ▪ The… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rave — [[t]re͟ɪv[/t]] raves, raving, raved 1) VERB If someone raves, they talk in an excited and uncontrolled way. She cried and raved for weeks, and people did not know what to do... [V with quote] What is wrong with you, acting like that, she raved,… …   English dictionary

  • rave — rave1 [ reıv ] verb intransitive 1. ) rave about/over to speak or write in a very enthusiastic way about something or someone: The critics are raving about her performance. They were all raving over the beauty of the landscape. 2. ) to talk in an …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • rave — 1 verb (I) 1 to talk in an angry, uncontrolled way (+ at): Dad raved at me for hours about how irresponsible I d been. 2 to talk in a crazy way that is impossible to understand, especially because you are very ill 3 rave about/over to talk in a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rave — I UK [reɪv] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms rave : present tense I/you/we/they rave he/she/it raves present participle raving past tense raved past participle raved 1) a) to talk in an angry and uncontrolled way b) to talk in a crazy way when …   English dictionary

  • rave — v. (D; intr.) to rave about, over; to (she was raveing to us about her grandchild) * * * [reɪv] over to (she was raveing to us about her grandchild) (D; intr.) to rave about …   Combinatory dictionary

  • rave — Synonyms and related words: abuse, acclaim, accolade, admiration, applaud, assault, attack, babble, barbarize, bark at, bash, batter, be angry, be enthusiastic, be excitable, be insane, be livid, be pissed, bellow, berate, betongue, blacken,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Rave Master — First volume of Rave, released in Japan on November 17, 1999 レイヴ (Rave) Genre …   Wikipedia

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