quick on the draw — See: QUICK ON THE TRIGGER … Dictionary of American idioms
quick\ on\ the\ draw — • quick on the trigger • trigger happy • quick on the draw adj. phr. 1. Ready to shoot without warning; fast with a gun. He s a dangerous criminal quick on the trigger. 2. informal Fast at answering questions or solving problems. In class… … Словарь американских идиом
quick on the draw — 1. Swift to draw a gun from its holster 2. Prompt in response or action • • • Main Entry: ↑quick * * * I very fast in taking one s gun from its holster ■ figurative very fast in acting or reacting II see … Useful english dictionary
quick on the draw — Someone who is quick on the draw reacts quickly to a situation … The small dictionary of idiomes
quick on the draw — quick to speak or shoot; get the drop on Think before you speak. Don t be so quick on the draw … English idioms
quick on the draw — able to react quickly to a situation. He was quick on the draw answering the reporter s questions. Usage notes: sometimes said about a person who reacts too quickly to a situation and makes serious mistakes Etymology: based on the literal meaning … New idioms dictionary
quick on the draw — adjective Characterized by rapid response, as to a verbal remark or to a new situation; quick to act. Quick on the draw with a slogan, Mr. Mandelson said he would create a project deserving cheers, not jeers, and promptly changed the sinister… … Wiktionary
be quick on the draw — to be quick about removing a gun from where it is kept : to quickly draw a gun and be ready to shoot it often used figuratively When the huge crowd suddenly became unruly, security was quick on the draw. [=security reacted very quickly] Critics … Useful english dictionary
be quick on the draw — to be fast at understanding or reacting to a situation. He was quick on the draw answering the reporter s questions … New idioms dictionary
quick on the trigger — or[trigger happy] {adj. phr.} Ready to shoot without warning; fast with a gun. * /He s a dangerous criminal quick on the trigger./ 2. {informal} Fast at answering questions or solving problems. * /In class discussions John is always quick on the… … Dictionary of American idioms