- put one's hand on
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
put one's hand to — phrasal or set one s hand to 1. : to take hold of put his hand to the plow 2. : to engage in : undertake knew he would succeed in whatever he put his hand to * * * put one s hand to … Useful english dictionary
put one's hand to the plow — or[set one s hand to the plow] {v. phr.} To start doing something of importance; give yourself to a big job. * /We felt that he had put his hand to the plow, and we didn t like it when he quit./ … Dictionary of American idioms
put one's hand to the plow — or[set one s hand to the plow] {v. phr.} To start doing something of importance; give yourself to a big job. * /We felt that he had put his hand to the plow, and we didn t like it when he quit./ … Dictionary of American idioms
put\ one's\ hand\ to\ the\ plow — • put one s hand to the plow • set one s hand to the plow v. phr. To start doing something of importance; give yourself to a big job. We felt that he had put his hand to the plow, and we didn t like it when he quit … Словарь американских идиом
put one's hand in one's pocket — ► put one s hand in one s pocket spend or provide one s own money. Main Entry: ↑pocket … English terms dictionary
put one's hand to the plough — To begin an undertaking • • • Main Entry: ↑plough … Useful english dictionary
put one's hand on — phrasal or lay one s hand on : find, locate arranged the files so he could put his hand on any fact he wanted in a moment … Useful english dictionary
put one's hand to — or[set one s hand to] or[turn one s hand to] {v. phr.} To start working at; try to do. * /Hal does a good job at everything mat he turns his hand to./ * /After Mr. Sullivan found farming unprofitable, he moved to town and turned his hand to… … Dictionary of American idioms
put one's hand to — or[set one s hand to] or[turn one s hand to] {v. phr.} To start working at; try to do. * /Hal does a good job at everything mat he turns his hand to./ * /After Mr. Sullivan found farming unprofitable, he moved to town and turned his hand to… … Dictionary of American idioms
put\ one's\ hand\ to — • set one s hand to • turn one s hand to v. phr. To start working at; try to do. Hal does a good job at everything mat he turns his hand to. After Mr. Sullivan found farming unprofitable, he moved to town and turned his hand to carpentry … Словарь американских идиом
put one's hand to the plow — put (or set) one s hand to the plow embark on a task Origin: with biblical allusion to Luke 9:62 … Useful english dictionary