- pocket one's pride
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
pocket one's pride — To humble oneself to accept a situation • • • Main Entry: ↑pocket … Useful english dictionary
pocket one's pride — See: SWALLOW ONE S PRIDE … Dictionary of American idioms
pocket\ one's\ pride — See: swallow one s pride … Словарь американских идиом
pocket — [päk′it] n. [ME poket < Anglo Fr pokete, for MFr dial. poquette, dim. of poque, poche: see POACH1] 1. Archaic a sack, esp. when used to measure something 2. a) a little bag or pouch, now usually sewn into or on clothing, for carrying money and … English World dictionary
pocket — /ˈpɒkət / (say pokuht) noun 1. a small bag inserted in a garment, for carrying a purse or other small articles. 2. a bag or pouch. 3. money, means, or financial resources. 4. any pouch like receptacle, hollow, or cavity. 5. a small isolated area …
pocket — pocketless, adj. pocketlike, adj. /pok it/, n. 1. a shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used esp. for carrying small articles. 2. a bag or pouch. 3. means; financial resources: a selection of gifts to… … Universalium
pocket — pock•et [[t]ˈpɒk ɪt[/t]] n. 1) clo a shaped piece of fabric attached inside or outside a garment and forming a pouch used esp. for carrying small articles 2) means; financial resources: gifts to suit every pocket[/ex] 3) a bag or pouch 4) any… … From formal English to slang
pride — I n. 1) to take pride in 2) to hurt smb. s pride 3) civic; fierce, great, strong; injured, wounded pride (to take great pride in one s children) 4) the pride to + inf. (do they have enough pride to defend their principles?) 5) (misc.) to appeal… … Combinatory dictionary
pocket — I. noun Etymology: Middle English poket, from Anglo French poket, pochete, diminutive of poke, pouche bag more at pouch Date: 15th century 1. a. a small bag carried by a person ; purse b. a small bag that is sewed or inserted in a garment so that … New Collegiate Dictionary
Orange Pocket — logo. オレンジポケット (Orenji Poketto) Genre … Wikipedia