off one's back

off one's back
{adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Stopped from bothering one; removed as an annoyance or pest. * /"Having a kid brother always following me is a nuisance," Mary told her mother. "Can't you get him off my back?"/ * /The singer was so popular with teenagers that he took a secret vacation, to keep them off his back./ Contrast: ON ONE'S BACK(2). See: GIVE THE SHIRT OFF ONE'S BACK.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • off one's back — {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Stopped from bothering one; removed as an annoyance or pest. * / Having a kid brother always following me is a nuisance, Mary told her mother. Can t you get him off my back? / * /The singer was so popular with teenagers… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off\ one's\ back — adj. phr. 1. informal Stopped from bothering one; removed as an annoyance or pest. Having a kid brother always following me is a nuisance, Mary told her mother. Can t you get him off my back? The singer was so popular with teenagers that he took… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • off one's back — stop from bothering someone I wish he would get off my back and stop always asking me when I am going to look for another job …   Idioms and examples

  • off one's back —  See back …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • get\ off\ one's\ back — v. phr. slang colloquial 1. To stop criticizing or nagging someone. Get off my back! Can t you see how busy I am? 2. See: get off one s case …   Словарь американских идиом

  • no skin off one's back — noun No harm to one. If he wants to make a mess in his own room, its no skin off my back. Syn: no skin off ones nose …   Wiktionary

  • get off one's back — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {colloquial} To stop criticizing or nagging someone. * / Get off my back! Can t you see how busy I am? / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • give the shirt off one's back — {v. phr.}, {informal} To give away something or everything that you own. * /He d give you the shirt off his back./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get off one's back — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {colloquial} To stop criticizing or nagging someone. * / Get off my back! Can t you see how busy I am? / …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • give the shirt off one's back — {v. phr.}, {informal} To give away something or everything that you own. * /He d give you the shirt off his back./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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