nothing succeeds like success
- nothing succeeds like success
- Success in one thing makes success in other things easier; people like a successful person. - A proverb. * /The girls all like Bob because he is football captain. Nothing succeeds like success./
Dictionary of American idioms.
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nothing succeeds like success — Success in one thing makes success in other things easier; people like a successful person. A proverb. * /The girls all like Bob because he is football captain. Nothing succeeds like success./ … Dictionary of American idioms
nothing succeeds like success — Cf. Fr. rien ne réussit comme le succès, nothing succeeds like success. 1867 A. D. RICHARDSON Beyond Mississippi xxxiv. ‘Nothing succeeds like success.’ There was much Southern sympathy on the island; now all are our dear friends. 1872 W. BESANT… … Proverbs new dictionary
nothing succeeds like success — proverb success leads to opportunities for further and greater successes * * * nothing succeeds like success used to say that one success often results in another success • • • Main Entry: ↑succeed * * * nothing succeeds like sucˈcess idiom… … Useful english dictionary
nothing\ succeeds\ like\ success — proverb Success in one thing makes success in other things easier; people like a successful person. The girls all like Bob because he is football captain. Nothing succeeds like success … Словарь американских идиом
nothing succeeds like success — This expression means that success often leads to further successes. The success of my first book encouraged to continue writing. Nothing succeeds like success! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
nothing succeeds like success — one success leads to more success This is the first rule of learning: Nothing succeeds like success … English idioms
nothing succeeds like success — success speaks for itself, can t argue with success … English contemporary dictionary
success — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Favorable termination Nouns 1. success, successfulness; good fortune, luck, run of luck; prosperity; accomplishment (see completion); one s finest hour. 2. (financial success) great success, land office… … English dictionary for students
nothing — see nothing comes of nothing nothing for nothing nothing is certain but death and taxes nothing is certain but the unforeseen nothing is for ever there is nothing new under the sun … Proverbs new dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind … Proverbs new dictionary