music to one's ears

music to one's ears
{n. phr.} Something one likes to hear. * /When the manager phoned to say I got the job, it was music to my ears./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • music to one's ears — Anything that one is very glad to hear • • • Main Entry: ↑music * * * something that is pleasant or gratifying to hear or discover the commission s report was music to the ears of the administration …   Useful english dictionary

  • music to one's ears — ► music to one s ears something very pleasant to hear or learn. Main Entry: ↑music …   English terms dictionary

  • music to one's ears — {n. phr.} Something one likes to hear. * /When the manager phoned to say I got the job, it was music to my ears./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • music\ to\ one's\ ears — n. phr. Something one likes to hear. When the manager phoned to say I got the job, it was music to my ears …   Словарь американских идиом

  • music to one's ears — something one likes to hear When he told me that I could go to the sales convention in the summer it was music to my ears …   Idioms and examples

  • music to one's ears —    If something is music to your ears, the information that you receive makes you feel very happy.     His compliments were music to my ear …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • music to one's ears — something that is very pleasant to hear or learn. → music …   English new terms dictionary

  • music — ► NOUN 1) the art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds in a pleasing way. 2) the sound so produced. 3) the written or printed signs representing such sound. ● music to one s ears Cf. ↑music to one s ears ORIGIN Old French …   English terms dictionary

  • music — n. 1 the art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. 2 the sounds so produced. 3 musical compositions. 4 the written or printed score of a musical composition. 5 certain… …   Useful english dictionary

  • music — noun 1》 the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.     ↘the sound so produced. 2》 the written or printed signs representing vocal or instrumental sound.… …   English new terms dictionary

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