- money is no object
- {informal sentence} The price of something is irrelevant. * /Please show me your most beautiful mink coat; money is no object./
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
money is no object — ► used to say that someone has enough money not to worry about how much something costs: »The fundraising event is aimed at people for whom money is no object. Main Entry: ↑object … Financial and business terms
money is no object — informal phrase used for saying that you have a lot of money and can buy what you want I want the best car you’ve got. Money is no object. Thesaurus: richsynonym Main entry: money … Useful english dictionary
Money is no object. — Money (is) no object. something that you say which means it does not matter how much something costs because there is a lot of money available. If money was no object, what sort of a house would you live in? … New idioms dictionary
money is no object — informal used for saying that you have a lot of money and can buy what you want I want the best car you ve got. Money is no object … English dictionary
money is no object — {informal sentence} The price of something is irrelevant. * /Please show me your most beautiful mink coat; money is no object./ … Dictionary of American idioms
money\ is\ no\ object — informal sentence the price of something is irrelevant. Please show me your most beautiful mink coat; money is no object … Словарь американских идиом
money is no object — how much something costs is not important. If money was no object, what sort of a house would you live in? … New idioms dictionary
money is no object — money is not a problem, the price does not matter … English contemporary dictionary
Money no object. — Money (is) no object. something that you say which means it does not matter how much something costs because there is a lot of money available. If money was no object, what sort of a house would you live in? … New idioms dictionary
object — [äb′jikt, äbjekt; ] for v. [ əb jekt′, äbjekt′] n. [ME < ML objectum, something thrown in the way < L objectus, a casting before, that which appears, orig. pp. of objicere < ob (see OB ) + jacere, to throw: see JET1] 1. a thing that can… … English World dictionary