minority leader

minority leader
{n. phr.} The leader of the political party that has fewer votes in a legislative house. * /The minority leader of the Senate supported the bill./ * /The minority leader in the House of Representatives held a caucus./ Compare: MAJORITY LEADER.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • Minority leader — In U.S. politics, the minority leader is the floor leader of the second largest caucus in a legislative body.[1] Given the two party nature of the U.S. system, the minority leader is almost inevitably either a Republican or a Democrat, with their …   Wikipedia

  • minority leader — noun leader of the minority party in a legislature • Hypernyms: ↑legislator * * * noun, pl ⋯ ers [count] : the leader of the political party that has fewer members than the leading party in the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • minority leader — {n. phr.} The leader of the political party that has fewer votes in a legislative house. * /The minority leader of the Senate supported the bill./ * /The minority leader in the House of Representatives held a caucus./ Compare: MAJORITY LEADER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • minority\ leader — n. phr. the leader of the political party that has fewer votes in a legislative house. The minority leader of the Senate supported the bill. The minority leader in the House of Representatives held a caucus. Compare: majority leader …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Minority leader of the United States House of Representatives — Democratic Leader Incumbent Nancy Pelosi …   Wikipedia

  • Minority leader of the Senate of the Philippines — Incumbent Alan Peter S. Cayetano since July 26, 2010 Style The Honorable (Diplomatic) …   Wikipedia

  • minority leader — leader of a minority party in a legislative body; House or Senate member from a minority party who directs party activity on the chamber floor …   English contemporary dictionary

  • minority leader — noun Date: 1909 the leader of the minority party in a legislative body …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • minority leader — minor′ity lead er n. gov the floor leader of the minority party in a legislature • Etymology: 1945–50, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • minority leader — mi nority .leader n AmE the leader of the political party that has fewer politicians in ↑congress than the leading party →↑majority leader …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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