Mad as a hatter — is a colloquial phrase used in conversation to refer to a crazy person. In 18th and 19th century England mercury was used in the production of felt, which was used in the manufacturing of hats common of the time. People who worked in these hat… … Wikipedia
mad as a hatter — Completely mad (poss from the odd behaviour of some hatters due to mental and physical disorders caused by the mercury in the chemicals used in the making of felt hats) • • • Main Entry: ↑hat mad as a hatter see under ↑hat • • • Main Entry: ↑mad… … Useful english dictionary
mad as a hatter — or[mad as a March hare] {adj. phr.} Not able to think right; crazy. * /Anyone who thinks the moon is made of green cheese is mad as a hatter./ … Dictionary of American idioms
mad\ as\ a\ hatter — • mad as a hatter • mad as a March hare adj. phr. Not able to think right; crazy. Anyone who thinks the moon is made of green cheese is mad as a hatter … Словарь американских идиом
mad as a hatter — To say that someone is as mad as a hatter means that they are very strange or insane. The old lady next door is as mad as a hatter. She says the strangest things! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
mad as a hatter — adjective /ˌmæd æz ə ˈhætə,ˌmæd æz ə ˈhætɚ/ Demented or crazy. Hes a very good fellow, but as mad as a hatter. Hes called Madman, you know. And never was such a fellow for getting all sorts of rum things about him. He tamed two snakes last half,… … Wiktionary
mad as a hatter — strange, eccentric, batty, plumb loco If you wear that pink wig, people will think you re mad as a hatter … English idioms
mad as a hatter — insane, totally crazy, demented, mad as a March hare … English contemporary dictionary
mad as a hatter or — March hare Crazy … A concise dictionary of English slang
(as) mad as a hatter March hare — (as) mad as a ˈhatter/a March ˈhare idiom (informal) (of a person) mentally ill; very silly From the Mad Hatter, a character in Lewis Carroll s Alice s Adventures in Wonderland. Because of the chemicals used in hat making, workers often suffered… … Useful english dictionary