- leave high and dry
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
leave high and dry — leave (you) high and dry to leave you alone and without any help. We were left high and dry, without any money or credit cards … New idioms dictionary
leave high and dry — leave (someone) high and dry to put someone in a very difficult situation which they have no way of making better. The stock market crash left us high and dry with debts of over Ј200 000 … New idioms dictionary
leave high and dry — See: HIGH AND DRY … Dictionary of American idioms
leave\ high\ and\ dry — See: high and dry … Словарь американских идиом
leave high and dry — If you are left high and dry, you find yourself in a difficult situation without help or resources. When her husband walked out on her, Amanda was left high and dry with two kids to raise … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
high and dry — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Up above the water; beyond the reach of splashing or waves. * /Mary was afraid she had left her towel where the tide would reach it, but she found it high and dry./ * /When the tide went out the boat was high and dry./ 2 … Dictionary of American idioms
high and dry — {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Up above the water; beyond the reach of splashing or waves. * /Mary was afraid she had left her towel where the tide would reach it, but she found it high and dry./ * /When the tide went out the boat was high and dry./ 2 … Dictionary of American idioms
leave you high and dry — leave (you) high and dry to leave you alone and without any help. We were left high and dry, without any money or credit cards … New idioms dictionary
leave someone high and dry — phrase to put someone in a very difficult or unpleasant situation that they cannot escape from By switching to cheaper overseas suppliers they have left us high and dry. Thesaurus: to cause problems for someone or somethingsynonym Main entry:… … Useful english dictionary
leave someone high and dry — leave (someone) high and dry to put someone in a very difficult situation which they have no way of making better. The stock market crash left us high and dry with debts of over Ј200 000 … New idioms dictionary