- lardhead
- {n.}, {slang} A stupid or slow-witted person. * /You'll never convince Donald; he's a lardhead./
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
lardhead — 1. n. a stupid person. □ What a lardhead! Where are your brains? □ I’m not a lardhead. I dwell in a different dimension. 2. mod. foolish. □ Now here’s something from the lardhead department. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
lardhead — {n.}, {slang} A stupid or slow witted person. * /You ll never convince Donald; he s a lardhead./ … Dictionary of American idioms
lardhead — noun slang A stupid or slow witted person. You ll never convince Donald; he s a lardhead … Словарь американских идиом
moron — n 1. retardate, Sl. retard, slow learner, Euph. special or exceptional student; (all collectively) the mentally handicapped, the educable mentally retarded, EMR, the trainable mentally handicapped, TMR. 2.Informal. idiot, imbecile, mooncalf, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
oaf — n 1. dunce, dolt, dullard, blockhead, dunderhead, dunderpate, clodpate, loggerhead, thickhead, fathead, numskull, bonehead, Inf. knucklehead, Inf. deadhead, Sl. lunkhead, Sl. meathead, Sl. meatball, Sl. lardhead, Sl. dummkopf, Sl. stupidhead, Sl … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder