it never rains but it pours

it never rains but it pours
One good thing or bad thing is often followed by others of the same kind. - A proverb, * /John got sick, then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never rains but it pours./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • never rains but it pours —    This expression is used to comment on the fact that when something bad happens, other bad things often happen too, and make the situation even worse.     First he forgot his briefcase, then he lost his wallet, and when he reached the car park …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • it never rains but it pours — An archaic use of but to introduce an inevitable accompanying circumstance. 1726 J. ARBUTHNOT (title) It cannot rain but it pours. 1770 C. BURNEY Music, Men and Manners in France and Italy (1974) 22 July 54 The singers were the same as I had… …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • it never rains but it pours — When things, esp troublesome things, start happening, they happen all at once • • • Main Entry: ↑pour * * * it never rains but it pours spoken phrase used for saying that problems often seem to happen all at the same time. The American phrase is… …   Useful english dictionary

  • it never rains but it pours —     It never rains but it pours means that when things go wrong, they go very wrong.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    This expression is used to comment on the fact that when something bad happens, other bad things often happen too, and… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • it never rains but it pours — means that when things go wrong, they go very wrong …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • it never rains but it pours — One good thing or bad thing is often followed by others of the same kind. A proverb, * /John got sick, then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never rains but it pours./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • it\ never\ rains\ but\ it\ pours — proverb One good thing or bad thing is often followed by others of the same kind. John got sick, then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never rains but it pours …   Словарь американских идиом

  • it never rains but it pours — when it comes we get too much, feast or famine    Tonight we don t have enough chairs for everybody. It never rains but it pours! …   English idioms

  • It never rains but it pours. — something that you say which means that when one bad thing happens, a lot of other bad things also happen, making the situation even worse. First of all it was the car breaking down, then the fire in the kitchen and now Mike s accident. It never… …   New idioms dictionary

  • it never rains but it pours — ► it never rains but it pours proverb misfortunes or difficult situations tend to arrive all at the same time. Main Entry: ↑pour …   English terms dictionary

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