have an ear to the ground

have an ear to the ground
keep an ear to the ground & have an ear to the ground & keep one's ear to the ground & have one's ear to the ground
Fig. to devote attention to watching or listening for clues as to what is going to happen. •

John had his ear to the ground, hoping to find out about new ideas in computers.

His boss told him to keep his ear to the ground so that he'd be the first to know of a new idea.

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Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • have your ear to the ground — have/keep/your ear to the ground phrase to pay attention to what is happening, so that you know about any changes in a situation Thesaurus: to pay attentionsynonym Main entry: ear * * * keep/have your ear to the ˈground …   Useful english dictionary

  • have your ear to the ground — have (your) ear to the ground to watch and listen carefully to what is happening around you. We ve had our ear to the ground, but we haven t learned anything about the company s plans …   New idioms dictionary

  • have an ear to the ground — See: EAR TO THE GROUND …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have an ear to the ground — ► have (or keep) an ear to the ground be well informed about events and trends. Main Entry: ↑ear …   English terms dictionary

  • have an ear to the ground — have (or keep) an ear to the ground be well informed about events and trends …   Useful english dictionary

  • have\ an\ ear\ to\ the\ ground — See: ear to the ground …   Словарь американских идиом

  • have ear to the ground — have (your) ear to the ground to watch and listen carefully to what is happening around you. We ve had our ear to the ground, but we haven t learned anything about the company s plans …   New idioms dictionary

  • ear\ to\ the\ ground — n. phr. informal Attention directed to the way things are going, or seem likely to go, or to the way people feel and think. The city manager kept an ear to the ground for a while before deciding to raise the city employees pay. Reporters keep an… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • keep your ear to the ground — have/keep/your ear to the ground phrase to pay attention to what is happening, so that you know about any changes in a situation Thesaurus: to pay attentionsynonym Main entry: ear * * * keep/have your ear to the ˈground …   Useful english dictionary

  • have (or keep) an ear to the ground — be well informed about events and trends. → ear …   English new terms dictionary

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