- have a bone to pick
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
have a bone to pick — verb To have a complaint or grievance with somebody. I have a bone to pick with the accountant who made that costly mistake … Wiktionary
have a bone to pick with someone — informal phrase to want to talk to someone about something they have done that has annoyed you I’ve got a bone to pick with you. Thesaurus: to say something, or to speak to someone in an angry waysynonym Main entry: bone * * * … Useful english dictionary
have a bone to pick with someone — have a bone to pick with (someone) something that you say when you want to talk to someone about something they have done that has annoyed you. I have a bone to pick with you. Did you eat that chocolate mousse I was saving for my tea? … New idioms dictionary
have a bone to pick with — (someone) something that you say when you want to talk to someone about something they have done that has annoyed you. I have a bone to pick with you. Did you eat that chocolate mousse I was saving for my tea? … New idioms dictionary
have a bone to pick with — ► have a bone to pick with informal have reason to disagree or be annoyed with. Main Entry: ↑bone … English terms dictionary
have a bone to pick with somebody — have a ˈbone to pick with sb idiom (informal) to be angry with sb about sth and want to discuss it with them Main entry: ↑boneidiom … Useful english dictionary
have a bone to pick — See: BONE TO PICK … Dictionary of American idioms
have\ a\ bone\ to\ pick — See: bone to pick … Словарь американских идиом
have a bone to pick with someone — informal to want to talk to someone about something they have done that has annoyed you I ve got a bone to pick with you … English dictionary
have a bone to pick with someone — informal have reason to disagree or be annoyed with someone. → bone … English new terms dictionary