- go from strength to strength
- {v. phr.} To move forward, increasing one's fame, power, or fortune in a series of successful achievements. * /Our basketball team has gone from strength to strength./
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
from strength — from a secure or advantageous position it makes sense to negotiate from strength … Useful english dictionary
from strength to strength — Meaning Origin From The Bible, Old Testament Psalm 84:7. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God … Meaning and origin of phrases
from strength to strength — phrasal : vigorously forward : from one high point to the next the Horse of the Year Show goes from strength to strength… no waiting, no tedium John Board … Useful english dictionary
from strength to strength — phrasal vigorously forward ; from one high point to the next … New Collegiate Dictionary
go from strength to strength — To move successfully forward, through frequent triumphs or achievements • • • Main Entry: ↑strength * * * develop or progress with increasing success * * * go from strength to strength : to become better or more successful as time passes Her… … Useful english dictionary
go from strength to strength — ► to become more and more successful: »The company has gone from strength to strength, investing heavily in new models and technology. Main Entry: ↑strength … Financial and business terms
go from strength to strength — ► go from strength to strength progress with increasing success. Main Entry: ↑strength … English terms dictionary
go from strength to strength — {v. phr.} To move forward, increasing one s fame, power, or fortune in a series of successful achievements. * /Our basketball team has gone from strength to strength./ … Dictionary of American idioms
go from strength to strength — verb To continue to get stronger[ … Wiktionary
go\ from\ strength\ to\ strength — v. phr. To move forward, increasing one s fame, power, or fortune in a series of successful achievements. Our basketball team has gone from strength to strength … Словарь американских идиом