- get the runaround
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
get the runaround — informal give (someone) the runaround to act in a way which makes it difficult for someone to do something, for example by refusing to tell them things they need to know. Every time I phone to complain, I keep getting the runaround … New idioms dictionary
get the runaround — See: RUN AROUND … Dictionary of American idioms
get\ the\ runaround — See: run around … Словарь американских идиом
the runaround — informal ◇ If someone gives you the runaround or you get the runaround, you are not given the information or help that you need because someone will not answer your questions or deal with your problem directly. I m tired of getting the runaround… … Useful english dictionary
get the better of — Synonyms and related words: beat, beat all hollow, beat hollow, best, circumvent, deceive, defeat, destroy, do in, drub, elude, evade, fix, foil, frustrate, get around, get round, give the runaround, give the slip, go one better, hide, hors de… … Moby Thesaurus
give the runaround — give (someone) the runaround informal to act in a way which makes it difficult for someone to do something, for example by refusing to tell them things they need to know. I m trying to get a visa, but the embassy staff keep giving me the… … New idioms dictionary
give someone the runaround — give (someone) the runaround informal to act in a way which makes it difficult for someone to do something, for example by refusing to tell them things they need to know. I m trying to get a visa, but the embassy staff keep giving me the… … New idioms dictionary
runaround — [run′ə round΄] n. ☆ 1. Informal a series of evasive excuses, deceptions, delays, etc.: usually in get (or give) the runaround 2. Printing an arrangement of type in shorter lines than the rest of the text, as around an illustration … English World dictionary
runaround — n. a wild goose chase. (Especially with give, as in the example.) □ The IRS gave us the runaround when we asked for a review. □ The customer will never get a runaround at my store! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
get around — Synonyms and related words: bamboozle, become public, beg, beguile, betray, blarney, bluff, break, butter, butter up, buzz about, cajole, cheat on, circulate, circumvent, come forth, come out, conjure, deceive, delude, diddle, ditch, double,… … Moby Thesaurus