get off easy — 1. to receive less punishment than expected. It s not right that someone can commit a major crime and get off lightly. 2. to have less difficulty than is usual. The Midwest got off easy with little snow this winter … New idioms dictionary
get off easy — {v. phr.}, {informal} To have only a little trouble; escape something worse. * /The children who missed school to go to the fair got off easy./ * /John got off easy because it was the first time he had taken his father s car without permission./ … Dictionary of American idioms
get\ off\ easy — v. phr. informal To have only a little trouble; escape something worse. The children who missed school to go to the fair got off easy. John got off easy because it was the first time he had taken his father s car without permission … Словарь американских идиом
get off easy — escape a worse punishment The criminals got off easy even though they robbed the bank … Idioms and examples
get off easy — escape severe punishment or with little consequence … English contemporary dictionary
get off — {v.} 1. To come down from or out of. * /The ladder fell, and Tom couldn t get off the roof./ * /The bus stopped, the door opened, and Father got off./ 2. To take off. * /Joe s mother told him to get his wet clothes off./ 3. To get away; leave. *… … Dictionary of American idioms
get off — {v.} 1. To come down from or out of. * /The ladder fell, and Tom couldn t get off the roof./ * /The bus stopped, the door opened, and Father got off./ 2. To take off. * /Joe s mother told him to get his wet clothes off./ 3. To get away; leave. *… … Dictionary of American idioms
easy — eas|y1 W1S1 [ˈi:zi] adj comparative easier superlative easiest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not difficult)¦ 2¦(comfortable)¦ 3¦(not worried)¦ 4¦(friendly)¦ 5¦(easily attacked)¦ 6 take the easy way out 7 have an easy time (of it) … Dictionary of contemporary English
easy — 1 / i:zi/ adjective 1 NOT DIFFICULT not difficult, and not needing much physical or mental effort: The easiest way to get there is through the park. | It can t have been easy raising three children all by herself. | easy to make/build/do etc: Are … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
easy — See: FREE AND EASY, GET OFF EASY, ON EASY STREET, TAKE IT EASY or GO EASY or TAKE THINGS EASY … Dictionary of American idioms