- for a loop
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
for a loop — See: KNOCK FOR A LOOP or THROW FOR A LOOP … Dictionary of American idioms
for a loop — phrasal into a state of amazement, confusion, or distress < the news threw us for a loop > … New Collegiate Dictionary
knock for a loop — or[throw for a loop] {v. phr.}, {slang} To surprise very much. * /When I heard they were moving, I was really knocked for a loop./ * /The news of their marriage threw me for a loop./ … Dictionary of American idioms
knock for a loop — or[throw for a loop] {v. phr.}, {slang} To surprise very much. * /When I heard they were moving, I was really knocked for a loop./ * /The news of their marriage threw me for a loop./ … Dictionary of American idioms
knock for a loop — phrasal 1. a. overcome < knocked my opponent for a loop > b. demolish < knocked our idea for a loop > 2. dumbfound, amaze < the news knocked them for a loop > … New Collegiate Dictionary
throw for a loop — verb to confuse or disorient; to throw off; to mix up The detour threw me for a loop and I arrived late for work … Wiktionary
knock for a loop — verb To astonish; to surprise very much. Poor Janice, shell be knocked for a loop. Rabbit at Rest , by John Updike … Wiktionary
Loop tiling — Loop tiling, also known as loop blocking, strip mine and interchange, unroll and jam, or supernode partitioning, is a loop optimization used by compilers to make the execution of certain types of loops more efficient.Loop tiling partitions a loop … Wikipedia
LOOP Barcelona — LOOP – THE PLACE FOR VIDEOART LOVERS is the annual meeting point in Barcelona for video art lovers around the world. The platform takes the form of Festival + Fair + Conferences. The LOOP Festival present works of 800 artists to 200.000 visitors… … Wikipedia
For loop — In computer science a for loop is a programming language statement which allows code to be repeatedly executed. A for loop is classified as an iteration statement.Unlike many other kinds of loops, such as the while loop, the for loop is often… … Wikipedia