footloose and fancy-free — {adj. phr.} Free and free to do what one wants (said of unmarried men). * /Ron is a merry bachelor and seems to enjoy greatly being footloose and fancy free./ … Dictionary of American idioms
footloose and fancy-free — phrase able to travel around and behave as you like because you are not married or involved in a relationship with anyone Thesaurus: marital statushyponym to get, or to be marriedsynonym Main entry: footloose … Useful english dictionary
footloose and fancy free — A person who is footloose and fancy free has few responsibilities or commitments of any kind and feels free to do as they please. John will never get married. He says he prefers to be footloose and fancy free … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
footloose\ and\ fancy-free — adj. phr. Free and free to do what one wants (said of unmarried men). Ron is a merry bachelor and seems to enjoy greatly being footloose and fancy free … Словарь американских идиом
footloose and fancy free — adjective Able to do as one pleases, unconstrained by social ties or responsibilities. As long as I am a student, I will be footloose and fancy free … Wiktionary
footloose and fancy free — carefree, not committed, devil may care When the kids moved out, we were footloose and fancy free! … English idioms
footloose and fancy-free — Synonyms and related words: afoot and lighthearted, at large, at liberty, circumforaneous, clear, detached, discursive, disengaged, divagatory, drifting, easygoing, emancipated, errant, flitting, floating, footloose, free, free and easy, free as… … Moby Thesaurus
be footloose and fancy-free — old fashioned if someone is footloose and fancy free, they can do what they want because they are not married or do not have many responsibilities. Jane s planning to go to parties and clubs every night now that she s footloose and fancy free … New idioms dictionary
footloose and fancy-free — with no commitments or responsibilities, free as a bird … English contemporary dictionary
footloose and fancy-free — able to travel around and behave as you like because you are not married or involved in a relationship with anyone … English dictionary