flesh out

flesh out
flesh out
to become more fleshy. •

She began to flesh out at the age of thirteen.

After his illness, Tom fleshed out and regained his strength.

* * *
{v.}, {informal} 1. To add to; make fuller, bigger, or longer. * /The author fleshed out his story by adding more about his war experiences./ 2. also[flesh up] To become heavier, put on weight, or flesh. * /He lost weight after his illness but is beginning to flesh out again./ See: FILL OUT.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • flesh out — {v.}, {informal} 1. To add to; make fuller, bigger, or longer. * /The author fleshed out his story by adding more about his war experiences./ 2. also[flesh up] To become heavier, put on weight, or flesh. * /He lost weight after his illness but is …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • flesh out — (something) to explain something more completely. She sketches a character s outline in just a few words and then vividly fleshes out her portrait as the book goes along. Etymology: based on the idea of adding flesh to a picture that shows only… …   New idioms dictionary

  • flesh out — verb 1. add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation • Syn: ↑elaborate, ↑lucubrate, ↑expatiate, ↑exposit, ↑enlarge, ↑expand,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • flesh out — v. (D; tr.) to flesh out with (to flesh out a report with greater detail) * * * [ fleʃ aʊt] (D; tr.) to flesh out with (to flesh out a report with greater detail) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • flesh out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms flesh out : present tense I/you/we/they flesh out he/she/it fleshes out present participle fleshing out past tense fleshed out past participle fleshed out to add more details about something in order to make… …   English dictionary

  • flesh\ out — v informal 1. To add to; make fuller, bigger, or longer. The author fleshed out his story by adding more about his war experiences. 2. • flesh up To become heavier, put on weight, or flesh. He lost weight after his illness but is beginning to… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • flesh out — PHRASAL VERB If you flesh out something such as a story or plan, you add details and more information to it. [V P n (not pron)] He talked with him for an hour and a half, fleshing out the details of his original five minute account... [V P n (not …   English dictionary

  • flesh out — verb to complete; to create details from a basic outline, structure or skeleton The model shows the basics, but we still need to flesh out the details …   Wiktionary

  • flesh out (to) —  Fill in the details of an agreement or procedure.  After business or political leaders reach an agreement, staff members are often directed to flesh out the details …   American business jargon

  • flesh out something — flesh out (something) to explain something more completely. She sketches a character s outline in just a few words and then vividly fleshes out her portrait as the book goes along. Etymology: based on the idea of adding flesh to a picture that… …   New idioms dictionary

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