fix someone up with

fix someone up with
{v. phr.}, {informal} To help another get a date with a woman or man by arranging a meeting for the two. * /Say Joe, can you possibly fix me up with someone this weekend? I am so terribly lonesome!/

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • fix someone up with — fix (someone) up (with (someone/something)) to arrange something for someone. If they want to work, I can fix them up. I thought you didn t like her and had fixed her up with your friend Paul …   New idioms dictionary

  • fix someone up with someone — fix (someone) up (with (someone/something)) to arrange something for someone. If they want to work, I can fix them up. I thought you didn t like her and had fixed her up with your friend Paul …   New idioms dictionary

  • fix someone up with something — fix (someone) up (with (someone/something)) to arrange something for someone. If they want to work, I can fix them up. I thought you didn t like her and had fixed her up with your friend Paul …   New idioms dictionary

  • fix someone up with — {v. phr.}, {informal} To help another get a date with a woman or man by arranging a meeting for the two. * /Say Joe, can you possibly fix me up with someone this weekend? I am so terribly lonesome!/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • fix\ someone\ up\ with — v. phr. informal To help another get a date with a woman or man by arranging a meeting for the two. Say Joe, can you possibly fix me up with someone this weekend? I am so terribly lonesome! …   Словарь американских идиом

  • fix (someone) up — (with (someone/something)) to arrange something for someone. If they want to work, I can fix them up. I thought you didn t like her and had fixed her up with your friend Paul …   New idioms dictionary

  • fix someone's wagon — or[fix someone s little red wagon] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. (Said to a child as a threat) to administer a spanking. * /Stop that right away or I ll fix your (little red) wagon!/ 2. (Said of an adult) to thwart or frustrate another, to engineer… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • fix someone's wagon — or[fix someone s little red wagon] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. (Said to a child as a threat) to administer a spanking. * /Stop that right away or I ll fix your (little red) wagon!/ 2. (Said of an adult) to thwart or frustrate another, to engineer… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • fix someone with a stare/look etc. — fix (someone) with a stare/look (etc.) : to look directly at (someone) usually in an angry way She fixed him with an angry stare. [=she stared at him angrily] • • • Main Entry: ↑fix …   Useful english dictionary

  • fix someone with a stare — fix (someone) with a stare see ↑fix, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑stare …   Useful english dictionary

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