- flfty-flfty(1)
- {adv.}, {informal} Equally; evenly. * /The two boys divided the marbles they won fifty-fifty./ * /When Dick and Sam bought an old car, they divided the cost fifty-fifty./
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
flfty-flfty(1) — {adv.}, {informal} Equally; evenly. * /The two boys divided the marbles they won fifty fifty./ * /When Dick and Sam bought an old car, they divided the cost fifty fifty./ … Dictionary of American idioms
Berlin — In the mid nineteenth century Heinrich Heine referred to Berlin as that mixture of white beer, mendacity, and Brandenburg sand. Berlin was never the liveliest German city, and it was a surprise when it became the epitome of modernism in the… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik