catch off balance — {v. phr.} To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. * /The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to… … Dictionary of American idioms
catch\ off\ balance — v. phr. To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to throw… … Словарь американских идиом
off-balance — adj [not before noun] 1.) in an unsteady position and likely to fall throw/knock/push etc sb off balance ▪ The sudden movement of the ship knocked them both off balance. 2.) catch/throw sb off balance to surprise or shock someone because they are … Dictionary of contemporary English
off balance — 1) not steady or upright, for example because more weight is on one side That wheel is off balance. throw/knock someone/something off balance: He kept pulling my arm, throwing me off balance. 2) surprised, upset, or confused by something… … English dictionary
off-balance — adjective (not before noun) 1 in an unsteady position so that you are likely to fall: throw/knock/push sb off balance: Lee caught hold of my wrist and pulled me off balance. 2 unprepared for something, so that it surprises or shocks you: catch sb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
throw (or catch) someone off balance — make someone unsteady or catch someone unawares. → balance … English new terms dictionary
throw someone off balance — throw (or catch) someone off balance cause someone to become unsteady and in danger of falling ■ figurative confuse or bewilder someone … Useful english dictionary
throw off balance — verb To unsettle, to catch by surprise … Wiktionary
(catch somebody) off balance — … Useful english dictionary
balance — bal|ance1 [ bæləns ] noun *** ▸ 1 ability to stay upright ▸ 2 correct relationship ▸ 3 mental/emotional calm ▸ 4 money in bank ▸ 5 amount remaining ▸ 6 majority of information ▸ 7 for weighing things ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the ability to remain … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English