leaps and bounds — If you do something in leaps and bounds, you make rapid or spectacular progress or growth. The number of subscribers to the newsletter has grown in leaps and bounds … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
leaps and bounds — 1. noun Dramatic improvements. 2. adverb Considerably; significantly. Our company has progressed leaps and bounds this year … Wiktionary
leaps and bounds — Large jumps, amounts, or quantities. ► “In a recent test of mobile computing from a 13,000 foot high mountain trail in Colorado, it was determined that . . . the mobile world has advanced by leaps and bounds.” (Forbes, Oct. 9, 1995, p. 116) … American business jargon
by leaps and bounds — phrasal : with extraordinary rapidity population is increasing by leaps and bounds * * * by leaps and bounds By startlingly rapid stages • • • Main Entry: ↑bound by leaps and bounds 1. By a large amount or extent 2. Very quickly • • • … Useful english dictionary
by leaps and bounds — {adv. phr.} With long steps; very rapidly. * /Production in the factory was increasing by leaps and bounds./ * /The school enrollment was going up by leaps and bounds./ … Dictionary of American idioms
in leaps and bounds — by/in leaps and bounds phrase used for saying that someone or something improves or increases a lot Murray has been working hard at his game and has progressed by leaps and bounds. Thesaurus: words used to describe increases and decreaseshyponym … Useful english dictionary
by leaps and bounds — by/in leaps and bounds if progress or growth happens in leaps and bounds, it happens very quickly. Ashley s reading has come on in leaps and bounds since she s been at her new school. Leaders of the organization say their membership is growing by … New idioms dictionary
in leaps and bounds — by/in leaps and bounds if progress or growth happens in leaps and bounds, it happens very quickly. Ashley s reading has come on in leaps and bounds since she s been at her new school. Leaders of the organization say their membership is growing by … New idioms dictionary
by\ leaps\ and\ bounds — adv. phr. With long steps; very rapidly. Production in the factory was increasing by leaps and bounds. The school enrollment was going up by leaps and bounds … Словарь американских идиом
in leaps and bounds — If you do something in leaps and bounds, you make rapid or spectacular progress or growth. The number of subscribers to the newsletter has grown in leaps and bounds … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions