break out

break out
break out
1. to burst forth suddenly, as with a fire, a riot, giggling, shouting, etc. •

A fire broke out in the belfry.

A round of giggling broke out when the teacher tripped.

2. Sl. to leave. •

It's late, man. Time to break out.

We broke out a little after midnight.

3. Go to break out (in pimples); break out (of something); break out (with something).
* * *
{v.} 1. To begin showing a rash or other skin disorder. - Often used with "with". * /He broke out with scarlet fever./ 2. To speak or act suddenly and violently. * /He broke out laughing./ * /She broke out, "That is not so!"/ 3. To begin and become noticeable. * /Fire broke out after the earthquake./ * /War broke out in 1812./ Compare: FLARE UP. 4. {informal} To bring out; open and show. * /When word of the victory came, people began breaking out their flags./ * /When Mr. Carson's first son was born, he broke out the cigars he had been saving./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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