black out

black out
black out
1. Lit. [for lights] to go out. •

Suddenly the lights blacked out.

The power went dead and everything blacked out from the heat.

2. Fig. to pass out; to become unconscious. •

After I fell, I must have blacked out.

I think I am going to black out.

* * *
{v.} 1. To darken by putting out or dimming lights, * /In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness./ * /In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes./ 2. To prevent or silence information or communication; refuse to give out truthful news. * /In wartime, governments often black out all news or give out false news./ * /Dictators usually black out all criticism of the government./ * /Some big games are blacked out on television to people who live nearby./ 3. {informal} To lose consciousness; faint. * /It had been a hard and tiring day, and she suddenly blacked out./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • black-out — [ blakaut ] n. m. inv. • 1941; angl. black « noir » et out « complètement » 1 ♦ Obscurité totale commandée par la défense passive. « ayant soin aussitôt de fermer volets et rideaux pour le “black out” » (A. Gide). 2 ♦ (1967) Fig. Silence gardé… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • black out — {v.} 1. To darken by putting out or dimming lights, * /In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness./ * /In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes./ 2. To prevent or… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • black out — loc.s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. improvvisa e inattesa interruzione dell erogazione di energia elettrica 2a. estens., sospensione totale di un servizio pubblico, spec. nell ambito delle telecomunicazioni: black out delle trasmissioni… …   Dizionario italiano

  • black out — (something) 1. to stop delivering or receiving electricity. The power failure blacked out all of northern Illinois. 2. to keep from being broadcast or printed. Tonight s game has been blacked out on local television so you have to buy tickets to… …   New idioms dictionary

  • black out — [v1] delete; cover batten, conceal, cover up, cross out, cut off, darken, eclipse, eradicate, erase, hold back, make dark, obfuscate, rub out, shade, squash, squelch; concept 250 Ant. add, pencil in, uncover black out [v2] faint collapse, crap… …   New thesaurus

  • black out — lack out v. t. 1. to cause to become black, such as a stage, a computer screen, or a city. [PJC] 2. to impose a blackout on (news or a sports event). [PJC] 3. to make (a written text) illegible by applying a black ink over it; to blot out. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Black-out — Black out, Black·out [ blɛk|aut; blɛk |aut] der / das; (s), s; eine plötzlich auftretende, meist kurze Bewusstseinsstörung <einen Black out haben> …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • black-out — / blækaʊt/, it. /blɛ kaut/ locuz. ingl. [propr. oscuramento , comp. di black nero e out fuori ], usata in ital. come s.m. 1. [interruzione dell energia elettrica] ▶◀ buio, oscuramento. 2. a. (estens.) [l interrompersi di un servizio pubblico o di …   Enciclopedia Italiana

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