wipe out

wipe out
wipe out
1. Inf. to crash. •

I wiped out on the curve.

The car wiped out on the curve.

2. Inf. to fall off or away from something, such as a bicycle, skates, a surfboard, a skateboard, etc. •

I wiped out and skinned my knee.

If I wipe out again, my mother says I'm through.

3. Inf. to fail badly. •

The test was terrible! I'm sure I wiped out.

It was a bad test. I wiped out for sure.

* * *
{v.} 1. To remove or erase by wiping or rubbing. * /The teacher wiped out with an eraser what she had written on the board./ Compare: RUB OUT. 2. {informal} To remove, kill, or destroy completely. * /The earthquake wiped out the town./ * /Doctors are searching for a cure that will wipe out cancer./ * /The Indians wiped out the soldiers who were sent to stop their attacks./ Compare: RUB OUT, STAMP OUT.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • wipe out — {v.} 1. To remove or erase by wiping or rubbing. * /The teacher wiped out with an eraser what she had written on the board./ Compare: RUB OUT. 2. {informal} To remove, kill, or destroy completely. * /The earthquake wiped out the town./ * /Doctors …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • wipe out — (someone/something) 1. to destroy someone or something. We were ordered to wipe out a small enemy force hiding in the village. The floods wiped whole villages out. 2. to cause someone to lose or spend all their money. My neighbor was totally… …   New idioms dictionary

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  • wipe out — ► wipe out 1) remove or eliminate. 2) kill (a large number of people). 3) ruin financially. 4) informal exhaust or intoxicate. Main Entry: ↑wipe …   English terms dictionary

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  • wipe out — 1. in. to crash. □ I wiped out on the curve. □ The car wiped out on the curve. 2. in. to fall off or away from something, such as a bicycle, skates, a surfboard, a skateboard, etc. □ I wiped out and skinned my knee. U If I wipe out …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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