wash out

wash out
wash out
1. Inf. to fail and be removed from something, such as school. •

I studied all I could, but I still washed out.

I don't want to wash out. It's my whole future.

2. Inf. to have a serious wreck; to wipe out. •

The little car washed out on the curve.

The vehicles have a tendency to wash out when cornering.

3. Inf. to lose a large amount of money. •

Fred washed out on that stock deal.

Lefty and Willie washed out at the racetrack.

4. Inf. to break down or collapse from exhaustion. •

The whole play began to wash out during the second act. It was a lost cause by the third.

Finally, after a long day, I just washed out. They had to call the paramedics.

* * *
{v. phr.} To disappear; vanish. * /Do you think this stain will wash out?/

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • wash out — {v. phr.} To disappear; vanish. * /Do you think this stain will wash out?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • Wash out — Wash out, v. i. & t. 1. to be removed by washing; of spots and stains, especially on clothing. [PJC] 2. to be removed, broken, or destroyed by the action of flowing water; as, the bridge was washed out by the flood. [PJC] 3. to fail in a course… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wash out — (something) to cause an activity or event not to happen because of rain. Even the golf tournament was washed out this week. Storms washed the picnic out …   New idioms dictionary

  • wash out of — wash out (of (something)) to leave a program or activity because you failed to meet its standards. I didn t make it through flight school I washed out. After washing out of the military academy, he joined his father s business …   New idioms dictionary

  • wash out — (of (something)) to leave a program or activity because you failed to meet its standards. I didn t make it through flight school I washed out. After washing out of the military academy, he joined his father s business …   New idioms dictionary

  • wash|out — «WOSH OWT, WSH », noun. 1. the act or action of washing away earth, gravel, a road, bridge, or other structure, by water, as from very heavy rains or a flooding stream. 2. the hole, cavity, or break made by this. 3. Informal, Figurative. a person …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash out — verb 1. prevent or interrupt due to rain (Freq. 1) The storm had washed out the game • Syn: ↑rain out • Hypernyms: ↑prevent, ↑keep • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash out — phrasal verb Word forms wash out : present tense I/you/we/they wash out he/she/it washes out present participle washing out past tense washed out past participle washed out 1) [transitive] to wash something quickly, especially the inside of a… …   English dictionary

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