under one's heel

under one's heel
{adv. phr.} In one's power or control. * /If one marriage partner always wants to keep the other person under his or her heel, it is not a happy or democratic arrangement and may lead to a divorce./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • under one's heel — {adv. phr.} In one s power or control. * /If one marriage partner always wants to keep the other person under his or her heel, it is not a happy or democratic arrangement and may lead to a divorce./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • under\ one's\ heel — adv. phr. In one s power or control. If one marriage partner always wants to keep the other person under his or her heel, it is not a happy or democratic arrangement and may lead to a divorce …   Словарь американских идиом

  • heel — heel1 [hēl] n. [ME hele < OE hela, akin to Du hiel < Gmc * hanhila < * hanha < IE base * kenk , leg joint, heel] 1. the back part of the human foot, under the ankle and behind the instep: see CALCANEUS 2. the corresponding part of the …   English World dictionary

  • Heel-and-toe — is a driving technique used mostly in performance driving [http://www.nasaproracing.com/hpde/heelandtoe.html] , although some drivers use it on the road in everyday conditions in the interests of effectiveness. It involves operating the throttle… …   Wikipedia

  • Heel lifts — or height insoles (shoe lifts in the U.K.) are a wedge shaped shoe insert which fits in the heel portion of a shoe, with the purpose of adding elevation under one or both feet for therapeutic purposes.Heel lifts are commonly used as therapy for… …   Wikipedia

  • heel — I. /hil / (say heel) noun 1. (in humans) the back part of the foot, below and behind the ankle. 2. an analogous part in other vertebrates. 3. either hind foot or hoof of some animals, as the horse. 4. the part of a stocking, shoe, or the like,… …  

  • heel — 1. n. & v. n. 1 the back part of the foot below the ankle. 2 the corresponding part in vertebrate animals. 3 a the part of a sock etc. covering the heel. b the part of a shoe or boot supporting the heel. 4 a thing like a heel in form or position …   Useful english dictionary

  • heel — heel1 noun 1》 the back part of the foot below the ankle.     ↘the part of the palm of the hand next to the wrist. 2》 the part of a shoe or boot supporting the heel. 3》 informal, dated an inconsiderate or untrustworthy person. 4》 the end of a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • heel — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. rear; tilt, cant; slang, cad, scoundrel, bounder (inf.), rat (sl.), louse (sl.), SOB (sl.). See obliquity, evildoer. v. i. turn around, pivot, swivel. v. t. follow, pursue, go after; slang, shadow,… …   English dictionary for students

  • heel — heel1 [ hil ] noun count ** 1. ) the back part of your foot, below your ANKLE: I ve got a sore heel. A little dog followed them, snapping at their heels. sit back on your heels: He sat back on his heels and swore. 2. ) the part underneath the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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