two's company; three's a crowd
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two's company, three's a crowd — two’s company, three’s a crowd phrase used for saying that two people, especially people having a romantic relationship, would prefer to be alone rather than with other people Thesaurus: preferring to be alonesynonym Main entry: company * * *… … Useful english dictionary
two's company three's a crowd — two s company (three s a crowd) something that you say when you think two people would prefer to be alone together than be with a third person. They asked me to go to the cinema with them but two s company if you know what I mean … New idioms dictionary
two's company, three's a crowd — two people are happier than three, the third person is not welcome Jill asked, Can I invite Ginger? Jack replied, Two s company, three s a crowd … English idioms
two's company, three's a crowd — ► two s company, three s a crowd proverb the presence of a third person is not welcomed by two lovers. Main Entry: ↑two … English terms dictionary
two's company(, three's a crowd) — two s ˈcompany (, three s a ˈcrowd) idiom (saying) used to suggest that it is better to be in a group of only two people than have a third person with you as well Main entry: ↑companyidiom … Useful english dictionary
two's company; three's a crowd — An informal way to express a situation when two people desire privacy and a third one is present. A proverb. * /Beth and Carl wanted to be alone so when Maggie joined them they said, Two s company; three s a crowd. / … Dictionary of American idioms
two's\ company;\ three's\ a\ crowd — proverb An informal way to express a situation when two people desire privacy and a third one is present. Beth and Carl wanted to be alone so when Maggie joined them they said, two s company; three s a crowd … Словарь американских идиом
two's company, three's a crowd — This is said of two people, particularly lovers, who would prefer to be alone together rather than to have someone else with them. I d rather not come to the cinema with you, thanks. Two s company ...! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
two's company three is a crowd — two people are enough, three people is too many … English contemporary dictionary
two's company, three's a crowd — two people, especially lovers, should be left alone together. → two … English new terms dictionary